Dicaffeine copied to clipboard
Repository for things connected to Dicaffeine player/streamer.
Being able to output an incoming NDI stream as a UVC Gadget would be great work environments where it's not possible to install software. At the moment the best solution...
When attaching an external screen it seems that Dicaffeine is reading out somes/all of the possible resolutions and framerate combinations. Just my favorite 1280x720x30frames doesn't show up. I then have...
Is there a way to get an HDMI USB capture card? The idea is to set up a wireless camera feed into a switcher. At one end set up a...
Hello! Some time ago Telegram added the "transmissions" service for groups and channels. I have tried using Dicaffeine to send a camera feed directly to telegram but no success. Do...
Whenever i try to play back a NDI stream on my Dicaffeine machine it always stutters no matter the resolution or framerate unless the incomming stream is a NDI HX...
Hello, is there a chance to get access to camera parameters like with raspivid , at least basic functions like rotating cameras? Kind regards Johannes
Hi, Love how many functions this has already! I wonder if it would be possible to use this as a web page renderer to display dashboards on the screen. For...
Hi Jiří, I love the project so far and it works great with NDI. I was wondering if there was any chance you could add SRT support? It’s often used...
I was able to get dual display to work on Raspi4 with Buster, but have not had luck with Bullseye. Only the first screen shows the stream. Its probably something...
Hi. There are several really good digital cameras out there, and the people at gPhoto has made libraries to add support to a lot of them. Would i tbe possible...