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yuri_simple ndi_input example not working
~/Dicaffeine$ yuri_simple ndi_input[stream="gemScreen",format=rgba32,debug=1000] sdl_window[title="NDI",resolution=1280x800,fps_stats=3,debug=1000]
INFO 1: 2024-07-14 20:56:36 [simple] link link_single_2 from node_ndi_input_1 to node_sdl_window_2
WARNING 6: 2024-07-14 20:56:36 [NDIInput/node_ndi_input_1] Error setting parameter event_time
DEBUG 6: 2024-07-14 20:56:36 [NDIInput/node_ndi_input_1] Resizing to 0 input ports and 1 output ports.
WARNING 8: 2024-07-14 20:56:36 [sdl_window/node_sdl_window_2] Error setting parameter title
VERBOSE_DEBUG 6: 2024-07-14 20:56:36 [NDIInput/node_ndi_input_1] Starting thread
VERBOSE_DEBUG 8: 2024-07-14 20:56:36 [sdl_window/node_sdl_window_2] Starting thread
INFO 8: 2024-07-14 20:56:36 [sdl_window/node_sdl_window_2] Started as thread 60593
Just pops up a blank window. Same for glx_window and sdl2, so I think it has something to do with the stream decoder.
... but the webgui can grab and display a test (v4l2dev, screen, and testcard] stream just fine.
This is on an Intel Ubuntu 22.04 install, all localhost, and trying to recieve:
yuri_simple screen[win_name="Gem",resolution=1280x800,fps=59.81,fps_stats=120] convert[format=rgba32] ndi_output[stream="gemScreen"]