deck2pdf copied to clipboard
Converts various HTML5 slide decks to PDF
= deck2pdf :toc: :numbered: :icons: font :linkcss!:
is a simple application that will convert your[deck.js],[reveal.js],[impress.js],[Flowtime.js],[Google html5slides],[Slide Presentation Framework],[ruban]
or[DZSlides] slide deck into a PDF file. Deck2PDF is also capable
of handling other HTML5 libraries as long as you feed it <<CustomProfiles,with a profile>>.
This application relies on a JavaFX application, so you need at least a Java 7 installation that bundles JavaFX (which should be the case for all newer installs of Java).
== Download
Pre-built binaries for JDK 8 can be download from[Bintray].
If you use Gradle (or any Maven-compatible dependency resolution engine), artifacts are available on JCenter:
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'me.champeau.deck2pdf:deck2pdf:0.3.0'
== Install from source
image::[Build Status, link=""]
Alternatively, you can install deck2pdf from sources.
./gradlew distZip
Will generate a distribution into build/distributions/
that you can unzip wherever you want.
== Changelog
=== 0.3.0
- Change
- Add ability to export to PNG or JPEG
- Require Java 8
== Usage
deck2pdf --profile=deckjs
By default, deck2pdf assumes that you are using deck.js, but there more profiles supported:
- deckjs, for[deck.js]
- revealjs, for[reveal.js]
- impressjs, for[impress.js]
- dzslides, for[DZSlides]
- flowtimejs, for[Flowtime.js]
- googlehtml5, for[Google html5slides]
- spf, for[Slide Presentation Framework]
- remarkjs, for[remark.js]
- ruban, for[ruban]. Note that the ruban profile expects to find the Ruban object in the global variable
. The minimum version of Ruban is 0.3.2.
For example, to convert a Deck.js slidedeck into PDF:
deck2pdf slides.html slides.pdf
Or for a reveal.js slidedeck:
deck2pdf --profile=revealjs slides.html slides.pdf
Optionally, you can specify width and height:
deck2pdf --width=1024 --height=768 slides.html slides.pdf
To export the slides as multiple images (PNG or JPG), change the file extension of the export file to .png or .jpg.
deck2pdf slides.html slides.png
You can use a number pattern in the file name (e.g., %03d
) to have the slide numbers padded so they have a fixed length:
deck2pdf slides.html slides-%03d.png
You can also specify a quality option for JPG (default: 0.95):
deck2pdf --quality=75 slides.html slides.jpg
WARNING: The JPG export is not available when using OpenJDK. You must use the Oracle JDK instead.
For a remark.js slideshow, make sure you use window.slideshow = remark.create();
to initialize the slideshow
== Profile specific options
Some profiles have specific command line options that allow further configuration of the export. This section summarizes the options available for such profiles.
=== reveal.js
|skipFragments|If true
, fragments will be ignored, otherwise each fragment will generate an individual slide|false|deck2pdf --skipFragments=true revealjs.html
=== ruban
|skipSteps|If true
, instead of generating one PDF page per step, generates one PDF slide per section, with the last step of each section.|false|deck2pdf --skipSteps=true index.html
[[CustomProfiles]] == Support for other HTML5 slideshows
is capable of handling many HTML5 slideshows. The current distribution supports several profiles out of the
box but it is easy to add yours. Depending on the complexity of the the framework, you can use either a simple
properties file to describe your framework or a more complex Groovy file. Both profile types rely on the fact that
you communicate with the browser with Javascript. This means that deck2js
should be compatible with any HTML5
slideshow that exposes a Javascript API.
=== Simple profile using properties
The easiest way to define a new profile is to create a properties file. For example, here is the file that the
export uses:
The properties files consists of two entries:
is a Javascript snippet which will compute the total number of slides of the deck -
is the Javascript code which needs to be called to jump to the next slide
Properties files are very simple, so are only capable of handling decks for which the number of slides is known in advance and the command to jump from one slide to another is always the same. For more complex slide shows, you can use the[Groovy] profiles.
=== Advanced profiles ==== Example Advanced profiles are written using the[Groovy] scripting language. However, they are pretty simple too and they expose a simple API that should fit most situations.
Here is an example of profile as it is defined for impress.js
The file name for a properties profile must end with .properties
==== Groovy API
The[Groovy] allows you to define more complex interactions with the slide deck. It also allows you to export slide decks for which you don't know the number of slides in advance, as long as you are capable of telling that you've reached the end of the slide deck.
Calling javascript in the browser from the profile is done using the js
js 'var slideCount = slides.length;'
Then the[Groovy] profile exposes some hooks that you can use:
is called once the slide deck is loaded and ready for export. It gives you a chance to perform an initial customization before exporting the slides. For example:
setup = { // disable controls for better rendering js 'Reveal.configure({controls: false, progress: false});' }
is called after a slide has been exported. If the method returns true, then export is complete. For example:
isLastSlide = { js ''' var totalSlides = Dz.slides.length; var cSlide = Dz.idx; cSlide==totalSlides && Dz.step==Dz.slides[cSlide - 1].$$('.incremental > *').length ''' }
can be used to determine the total number of slides (if a slide contains a transition, each transition is counted as a slide). It is optional, as long as you define theisLastSlide
hook. Providing it would add a counter to the log output.
totalSlides = { js (/$$(".step", byId('impress')).length/) }
must be implemented so thatdeck2pdf
knows how to jump from one slide to another (or one transition to another). For example:
nextSlide = { js('') }
As the Groovy profile is stateful, you can for example keep track of the slide number and have a distinct operation depending on the slide number:
int curSlide = 0 nextSlide = { curSlide++ switch (curSlide) { case 1: js '' break; case 2: js 'api.goto(2)' break; default: js "api.goto($curSlide)" } }
lets you change the duration before next slide is exported, in milliseconds. Currently, you are not allowed to set a distinct pause for each slide, the change is global. For example:
pause = 2000
The file name for a Groovy profile must end with .groovy
===== Accessing command line options
It is possible for a Groovy profile to access command line options. This can be useful if you want the profile to be
configurable from command line. Accessing the command line options is easy, since the named parameters from the
command line are directly exported in the script through the options
setup { if (Boolean.valueOf(options.verbose)) { // --verbose=true on command line println "Hello, I'm in verbose mode!" } String mode = options.mode?:'auto' switch (mode) { case 'auto': ... break; case 'skip': ... break; }
=== Using a custom profile
Once you've written a new profile, you can use it with the --profile
deck2pdf --profile=/path/to/profile.groovy slides.html slides.pdf
Of course, you can submit a pull request so that we include your profile into the distribution!
== Custom fonts
You'll need to read this section if you have custom fonts in your presenation.
=== JavaFX 3.0: CSS3 @font-face
In order to use custom fonts in your presentation, as defined using the CSS3 +@font-face@, you need to use at least JavaFX 3.0 (available in JDK 8). Otherwise, the embedded browser will fall back to using the default system font.
Here's an example custom font sourced from[Google Fonts]:
----This link element imports the following CSS:
@font-face { font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: local('Yanone Kaffeesatz Regular'), local('YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular'), url( format('truetype'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; src: local('Yanone Kaffeesatz Bold'), local('YanoneKaffeesatz-Bold'), url( format('truetype'); }
You can now use these two combinations of +font-family+, +font-style+ and +font-weight+ in your presentation. Unlike a normal browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, etc), you cannot use a font combination that is not represented here (or on your system). If you attempt to use a combination not represented here (such as a combination that include font-style: italic;
), the embedded browser will fall back to using the default font.
Aside from that exception, custom fonts should just work when using JavaFX 3.0.
=== JavaFX 2.2: Explicit font loading
If you you're using JavaFX 2.2 (available in JDK 7), you can still use custom fonts, but you must load them explicitly before the embedded browser loads the presentation.
First, download the TTF file for each font you want to use and copy it to a directory of your choice. The files should be named using the hyphenated form shown in the CSS above. For example:
- YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular.ttf
- YanoneKaffeesatz-Bold.ttf
Now you can use the fontsdir
command line option to tell deck2pdf
where to load the fonts from: