react-native-snap-carousel copied to clipboard
Vertical mode for stacks?
anyone who has implemented stacks in vertical mode? if yes please let me know here
Yes, I have implemented it.
<Carousel layout={'default'} ref={carouselRef} data={allStories} sliderWidth={width} itemHeight={height} sliderHeight={height - 100} itemWidth={width + horizontalMargin} removeClippedSubviews={true} enableMomentum={true} firstItem={currentStoryIndex} useScrollView={true} vertical={true} renderItem={_renderStories} decelerationRate={0.9} onSnapToItem={(index) => moveToNext(index)} onBeforeSnapToItem={(index) => { setCurrentStoryIndex(index); setIsMutedVideo(false); // progress.setValue(0); }} />
Thank @syedtehrimabbas I tried to do vertical somehow got into some error message, your codes is a good reference to let me check what is missing, thanks once again.