react-native-snap-carousel copied to clipboard
issue #73 => Infinite scroll in Android is not happening when loop={true}
<Carousel layout={'default'} data={item} renderItem={this.renderItem} sliderWidth={viewportWidth} itemWidth={viewportWidth - 56} autoplay={true} loop={true} inactiveSlideScale={1} inactiveSlideOpacity={1} onSnapToItem={(index) => this.setState({ ActiveIndex: index }) } />
Scroll the carousel continuously it hangs at length 3, the loop doesn't exist anymore.
same here
@leogiroux Tried with all suggestions over other bugs as well works good on ios, troubles in android
same here
same here
same here
same here
Same problem :(
same here
Same problem :(
same here
same here
I have found it works well in performance but still have design limitations
Hope It Helps
I've found a fix. If you add loopClonesPerSide to your carousel, it will start work with android.
loop={true} loopClonesPerSide={CAROUSEL_ENTRIES.length}
any solution
Sorry, please allow me to advertise for my open source library! ~ I think this library react-native-reanimated-carousel will solve your problem. It is a high performance and very simple component, complete with React-Native reanimated 2
same here..
same here... any solution