Maxim Dobroselsky
Maxim Dobroselsky
Hi Ayaphi, First of all, about how `Playback` works. `Playback` uses timer under the hood. In DryWetMIDI this timer called tick generator. On every tick of timer playback looks what...
Hi Ayaphi, Yes, it's the approach I would recommend you – use a shared instance of the `HighPrecisionTickGenerator`. Latency is possible, but I suppose it will be pretty small if...
@sonicviz Please take a look into [Supported OS]( article. Right now Devices API of the library can be used on Windows and macOS only. But if you are ready to...
@akshayabd Can you please try the [instruction]( above?
Well, I did quick tests some time ago and regarding Unity, we need to make the library IL2CPP-compatible. The issue is open on the subject – #282. But right now...
Hi @gitanova, I'm the author of the library. But my main programming language is C#. @CIRCE-EYES has a lot of experience with DryWetMIDI in VB.NET. @CIRCE-EYES I really appreciate your...
1. You will find answer in the [article]( If it's still not clear, please ask your question with more details (what exactly is not clear, what you've tried, what's wrong...
@gitanova > With your information I will now get started and if any questions arise, I really appreciate asking for your help! This is a good approach! Because we will...
1. How did you install the library into your project? 2. What version of the library do you use? The proper way is to install the library via NuGet. Just...
> Tempo changes work like a charm now too! Yes, that has been fixed in the 7.0.1 release. @gitanova Thank you for using the library! I don't know how old...