Meizano A.M. Djausal
Meizano A.M. Djausal
This is the error code: ```loadMarker(): Error loading pattern file /marker_52. aframe-ar.js:2:23009 ARToolKitJS(): Unable to set up AR marker. aframe-ar.js:2:23009 Uncaught abort() at jsStackTrace@ stackTrace@ abort@ _abort@ Vj@ Je@ Ke@
Have you try to rotate in different plane? rotation="90 0 0" rotation="0 90 0" rotation="0 0 90" or maybe other numbers and see the effects. and you might also want...
Yes you can. Just put more than one a-nft in the code with different image. ``` ```
You can try to call the parameter using tick handler in A-Frame. more about this in []( or you might want to create your own component to manage the query...
Manage to do this. The tricks is to use AFRAME.registerComponent to transform every tick, and change entity using the underlaying threejs object manipulation for performance. Create move attribute to assign...