YOLOv6 copied to clipboard
Can you please the model structure for yolov6? like I want to know the key difference between yolov5 and yolov6
Thanks for your suggestion! We will add structure comparison diagrams as soon as possible to help better understand yolov6.
Currently, you can use Netron to visualize the onnx model and find the difference.
ok but I am facing issues while training it on my customize dataset(cityscape)I already train it in yolov5 now I am trying with v6
YOLOv6/yolov6/data/datasets.py", line 336, in get_imgs_labels for img_path, info in img_info.items() ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)
This is the error.IDK what is the matter as I followed every instruction mentioned.
This error means your img_info is empty. You can just debug this. It is easy to fix.