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yolov6s quant problem
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[X] I have read the README carefully. 我已经仔细阅读了README上的操作指引。
[X] I want to train my custom dataset, and I have read the tutorials for training your custom data carefully and organize my dataset correctly; (FYI: We recommand you to apply the config files of xx_finetune.py.) 我想训练自定义数据集,我已经仔细阅读了训练自定义数据的教程,以及按照正确的目录结构存放数据集。(FYI: 我们推荐使用xx_finetune.py等配置文件训练自定义数据集。)
[X] I have pulled the latest code of main branch to run again and the problem still existed. 我已经拉取了主分支上最新的代码,重新运行之后,问题仍不能解决。
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i had train custom dataset with yolov6s and when i want to quant yolov6s , i find that yolov6s can not run partial quant for follow reason:
i try to ignore the concat amax fusion process and success to get a partial_quant onnx model, but i can not convert it to tensorrt:
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i try to ignore the concat amax fusion process and success to get onnx partrial_quant model, but it can not convert to tensorrt model,
i also want know how to remove the qdq node and get a cache file ,in onnx_utils.py just through"node.output[0] == node_name" so how it works ? "hi, directly build quantized model 'yolov6s_reopt_partial_bs1.sim.onnx' could not achieve the best performance. Please refer this function (https://github.com/meituan/YOLOv6/blob/main/tools/qat/onnx_utils.py) to get a normal float onnx model without QDQ nodes and its calibration file. Then you could build the TRT models with command: trtexec --workspace=1024 --percentile=99 --streams=1 --int8 --fp16 --avgRuns=10 --onnx=yolov6s_reopt_partial_bs1_remove_qdq.onnx --calib=yolov6s_reopt_partial_bs1_remove_qdq_calibration.cache --saveEngine=yolov6s_reopt_partial_bs1.sim.trt."