SwiftWebVC copied to clipboard
A drop-in inline browser for your Swift iOS app.
No changes, other than to make it compile & work on XCode 10 Swift 4.2
I have installed this pod for swift 4.2. It causes some errors while compiling. So I unlocked the Podfiles and fixed it for swift4.2. But, the problem is, the 'Done'...
there is a log info [carthage-xcodebuild.LXchOd.log](https://github.com/meismyles/SwiftWebVC/files/2469165/carthage-xcodebuild.LXchOd.log)
Hello, I have upgraded to swift 4.2, and for the legacy objective c code that needs SwiftWebVC it is now required to specify @objc on each method, class, var etc.
How to set default navigation title if no title returned in document.title?
See Issue #43
When trying to compile the framework this error arrises: `SwiftWebVC/SwiftWebVC/SwiftWebVC.swift:133:75: Cannot assign value of type 'UIColor?' to type 'UIColor!'`
It would be nice if SwiftWebVC can decide whether to allow or cancel its navigation like WKNavigationDelegate's [`webView(_:decidePolicyFor:decisionHandler:)`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wknavigationdelegate/1455641-webview) If this is acceptable idea, I'm happy to make a PR for...
I am using below code, let webVC = SwiftWebVC(urlString: "http://google.com") self.navigationController?.pushViewController(webVC, animated: true) But I don't see Done button on top. This is the most important part of this lib...