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:whale: A curated list of Docker resources

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A curated list of Docker resources and projects in Inspired by @sindresorhus' awesome and improved by these amazing contributors.

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If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!

What is Docker ?

Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications. Consisting of Docker Engine, a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, and Docker Hub, a cloud service for sharing applications and automating workflows, Docker enables apps to be quickly assembled from components and eliminates the friction between development, QA, and production environments. As a result, IT can ship faster and run the same app, unchanged, on laptops, data center VMs, and any cloud.

Source: What is Docker

Where to start ?


  • What is Docker ?
  • Where to start ?
  • Useful Articles
  • Main Resources
  • General Articles
  • Deep Dive
  • Networking
  • Metal
  • Multi-Server
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Good Tips
  • Newsletter
  • Continuous Integration
  • Optimizing Images
  • Service Discovery
  • Security
  • Performances
  • Raspberry Pi & ARM
  • Other
  • Books
  • Tools
    • Dev Tools
    • Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
    • Deployment
    • Hosting for repositories (registries)
    • Hosting for containers
    • Reverse Proxy
    • Web Interface
    • Local Container Manager
    • Useful Images
    • Dockerfile
    • Storing Images
    • Monitoring
    • Networking
    • Logging
    • Deployment and Infrastructure
    • PaaS
    • Remote Container Manager / Orchestration
    • Security
    • Service Discovery
  • Slides
  • Videos
    • Main Account
    • Useful videos
  • Interesting Twitter Accounts

Useful Articles

Main Resources

General Articles

Deep Dive




Cloud Infrastructure

Good Tips


Continuous Integration

Optimizing Images

Service Discovery



Raspberry Pi & ARM




Dev Tools

  • GoSu ("run this specific application as this specific user and get out of the pipeline" -- entrypoint script tool) by @tianon
  • Chaperone ("A single PID1 process designed for docker containers. Does user management, log management, startup, zombie reaping, all in one small package.) by @garywiz
  • ns-enter (no more ssh, enter name spaces of container) by @jpetazzo
  • Squid-in-a-can (in case of proxy problem) by @jpetazzo
  • docker-gen (Generate files from docker container meta-data) by @jwilder
  • dockerize (Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers) by @jwilder
  • registrator (Service registry bridge for Docker) by @progrium
  • Dockly (Dockly is a gem made to ease the pain of packaging an application in Docker.) by @swipely
  • docker-volumes (Docker Volume Manager) by @cpuguy83
  • dockerfile_lint (A rule-based 'linter' for Dockerfiles) by @redhataccess
  • powerstrip (A tool for prototyping Docker extensions) by @clusterhq
  • Vagga (Vagga is a containerisation tool without daemons. It is a fully-userspace container engine inspired by Vagrant and Docker, specialized for development environments.) by @tailhook
  • dockerode (Not just another Docker Remote API node.js module) by @apocas
  • go-dockerclient (Go HTTP client for the Docker remote API.) by @fsouza
  • container-factory (produces Docker images from tarballs of application source code by @lsqio
  • percheron (Organise your Docker containers with muscle and intelligence) by @ashmckenzie
  • crane (Lift containers with ease. Easy orchestration for images and containers) by @michaelsauter
  • sherdock (Automatic GC of images based on regexp) by @rancherio
  • bocker (1) (Docker implemented in 100 lines of bash) by p8952
  • bocker (2) (Write Dockerfile completely in Bash. Extensible and simple. --> Reusable) by @icy
  • docker-cli (A CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting for Docker commands.) by @j-bennet
  • docker-gc (A cron job that will delete old stopped containers and unused images) by @spotify
  • dlayer (Stats collector for Docker layers) by @wercker
  • forward2docker (Utility to auto forward a port from localhost into ports on Docker containers running in a boot2docker VM) by @bsideup
  • dockramp (Proof of Concept: A Client Driven Docker Image Builder) by @jlhawn
  • portainer (Apache Mesos framework for building Docker images) by @tarnfeld
  • Gradle Docker plugin a Docker remote api plugin for Gradle by @gesellix
  • Docker client a Docker remote api client library for the JVM, written in Groovy by @gesellix
  • Dropdock a framework designed for Drupal to build fast, isolated development environments using Docker.
  • Devstep (Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks) by @fgrehm
  • Lorry (Lorry is a docker-compose.yml validator and composer) by @CenturyLinkLabs
  • Dray (Dray is an engine for managing the execution of container-based workflows. Docker Workflow Engine - UNIX pipes for Docker) by @CenturyLinkLabs
  • docker-do hassle-free docker run, like env but for docker by @benzaita
  • Docker osx dev A productive development environment with Docker on OS X by @brikis98
  • rocker extended Dockerfile builder. Supports multiple FROMs, MOUNTS, templates, etc.
  • dexec Command line interface for running code with Docker Exec images. written in Go.
  • crowdr Tool for managing multiple Docker containers (docker-compose alternative)

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

  • Drone - Continuous integration server built on Docker and configured using YAML files.
  • Docker plugin for Jenkins - The aim of the docker plugin is to be able to use a docker host to dynamically provision a slave, run a single build, then tear-down that slave.
  • Captain - Convert your Git workflow to Docker containers ready for Continuous Delivery by @harbur
  • IBM DevOps Services - Continuous delivery using a pipeline deployment onto IBM Containers on Bluemix.
  • Watchtower - Automatically update running Docker containers by @CenturyLinkLabs
  • Dockunit - Docker based integration tests. A simple Node based utility for running Docker based unit tests. By @dockunit


  • Last.Backend - Last.Backend platform is designed for automatization of all routine work with the server and deployment of applications in one click using the visual interface.
  • Conduit - Experimental deployment system for Docker by @ehazlett
  • Zodiac - A lightweight tool for easy deployment and rollback of dockerized applications. By @CenturyLinkLabs
  • rocker-compose - Docker composition tool with idempotency features for deploying apps composed of multiple containers.
  • depcon - Depcon is written in Go and allows you to easily deploy Docker containers to Apache Mesos/Marathon, Amazon ECS and Kubernetes. By @gonodr

Hosting for repositories (registries)

Securely store your Docker images.

  • Docker Hub (provided by Docker Inc.)
  • (part of CoreOS) - Secure hosting for private Docker repositories
  • Reesd - Private Docker repositories and redundant storage service by @noteed

Hosting for containers

  • Orchard (part of Docker Inc) - Get a Docker host in the cloud, instantly.
  • StackDock - Docker hosting on blazing fast dedicated infrastructure
  • Tutum - Simple hosting for your Docker containers.
  • Giant Swarm - Simple microservice infrastructure. Deploy your containers in seconds.
  • Triton - Elastic container-native infrastructure by Joyent.
  • Amazon ECS - A management service on EC2 that supports Docker containers.
  • Google Container Engine - Docker containers on Google Cloud Computing powered by Kubernetes.
  • IBM Bluemix - Run Docker containers in a hosted cloud environment on IBM Bluemix.

Reverse Proxy

Web Interface

Local Container Manager

Volume management and plugins

  • Convoy - an open-source Docker volume driver that can snapshot, backup and restore Docker volumes anywhere. By @rancher
  • Azure Files Volume Driver - A Docker volume driver that allows you to mount persistent volumes backed by Microsoft Azure File Service. By @ahmetalpbalkan
  • Docker Unison A docker volume container using Unison for fast two-way folder sync. Created as an alternative to slow boot2docker volumes on OS X. By @leighmcculloch
  • Netshare A Docker volume plugin written in Go that supports mounting NFS, AWS EFS & CIFS volumes within a container. By @gondor

Useful Images


Storing Images

  • ~~Docker Registry (Registry server for Docker (hosting/delivering of repositories and images))~~ deprecated
  • Docker Registry v2 (The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content)
  • Rescoyl (Private Docker registry) by @noteed


  • Axibase Time-Series Database (Long-term retention of container statistics and built-in dashboards for Docker. Collected with native Google cAdvisor storage driver.)
  • cAdvisor (Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. created by @Google
  • Datadog Datadog is a full-stack monitoring service for large-scale cloud environments that aggregates metrics/events from servers, databases, and applications. It includes support for Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos.
  • Dockerana (packaged version of Graphite and Grafana, specifically targeted at metrics from Docker.)
  • Docker-mon (Console-based Docker monitoring) by @icecrime
  • InfluxDB, cAdvisor, Grafana (InfluxDB Time series DB in combination with Grafana and cAdvisor) by @vegasbrianc
  • New Relic New Relics Docker Monitoring tool
  • Prometheus (Open-source service monitoring system and time series database)
  • Ruxit Monitor containerized applications without installing agents or modifiying your Run commands
  • Seagull (Friendly Web UI to monitor docker daemon.) by @tobegit3hub
  • Site24x7 Docker MOnitoring for DevOps and IT is a SaaS Pay per Host model
  • Sysdig: An open source troubleshooting tool that provides a rich set of real-time, system-level information. It has container-specific features and is very useful in Docker environments.
  • Zabbix Docker module: Zabbix module that provides discovery of running containers, CPU/memory/blk IO/net container metrics. Systemd Docker and LXC execution driver is also supported. It's a dynamically linked shared object library, so its performance is (~10x) better, than any script solution.
  • SPM for Docker Monitoring of host and container metrics, Docker events and logs. Automatic log parser. Anomaly Detection and alerting for metrics and logs. @sematext
  • Zabbix Docker - Monitor containers automatically using zabbix LLD feature.
  • Collecting docker logs and stats with Splunk


  • Weave (The Docker network) -- Weave creates a virtual network that connects Docker containers deployed across multiple hosts.
  • Calico-Docker - Calico is a pure layer 3 virtual network that allows containers over multiple docker-hosts to talk to each other.


  • LogJam (Logjam is a log forwarder designed to listen on a local port, receive log entries over UDP, and forward these messages on to a log collection server (such as logstash).) by @gocardless
  • Docker-Fluentd: (Docker container to Log Other Containers' Logs. One can aggregate the logs of Docker containers running on the same host using Fluentd.) by @kiyoto
  • Logspout (Log routing for Docker container logs) by @gliderlabs
  • SPM for Docker Monitoring of Metrics, Events and Logs implemented in Node.js. Integrated logagent-js to detect and parse various log formats. @sematext

Deployment and Infrastructure

  • Centurion: Centurion is a mass deployment tool for Docker fleets. It takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on a fleet of hosts with the correct environment variables, host volume mappings, and port mappings. By @newrelic
  • Clocker: Clocker creates and manages a Docker cloud infrastructure. Clocker supports single-click deployments and runtime management of multi-node applications that run as containers distributed across multiple hosts. It leverages Weave for networking and Brooklyn for application blueprints. By @brooklyncentral
  • Cloud 66 - Full-stack hosted container management as a service
  • deploy - Git and Docker deployment tool. A middle ground between simple Docker composition tools and full blown cluster orchestration. Declarative configuration and short commands for managing (syncing, building, running) of infrastructures of more than a few services. Able to deploy whole preconfigured server or system of services with a single line (without having to scroll the line).
  • Docket: Custom docker registry that allows for lightning fast deploys through bittorrent by @netvarun
  • Longshoreman: Longshoreman automates application deployment using Docker. Just create a Docker repository (or use a service), configure the cluster using AWS or Digital Ocean (or whatever you like) and deploy applications using a Heroku-like CLI tool. By longshoreman
  • StackEngine: The StackEngine Free Startup Edition enables you to build, deploy and operate your Docker applications across unlimited hosts. Free Community support via Slack channel gets you rapid access to a community of users and developers ready to help.


  • Dokku (Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash) by @progrium
  • Tsuru (Tsuru is an extensible and open source Platform as a Service software.) --
  • Flynn (A next generation open source platform as a service) --
  • Deis (Your PaaS, your rules) --

Remote Container Manager / Orchestration

  • Kontena (Application Containers for Masses) --
  • Kubernetes (Open source orchestration system for Docker containers by Google) --
  • Shipyard (Composable Docker Management) --
  • Panamax (Docker Management for Humans) --
  • ~~Gaudi (Gaudi allows to share multi-component applications, based on Docker, Go, and YAM) -- project discontinued.
  • CoreOS (Linux for Massive Server Deployments) --
  • Rancher (Portable AWS-style infrastructure service for Docker) --
  • dokku-alt (Dokku fork with Dockerfile support, database plugins, ACL and more)
  • Docker container on Mesos (Docker plus Mesosphere provides an easy way to automate and scale deployment of containers in a production environment)
  • Marathon (Marathon is a private PaaS built on Mesos. It automatically handles hardware or software failures and ensures that an app is "always on")
  • Serf (Service orchestration and management tool) by @hashicorp
  • Flocker (Flocker is a data volume manager and multi-host Docker cluster management tool) by @ClusterHQ
  • Decking: (Decking aims to simplify the creation, organsation and running of clusters of Docker containers in a way which is familiar to developers)
  • Maestro (Maestro provides the ability to easily launch, orchestrate and manage mulitiple Docker containers as single unit) by @tascanini
  • Citadel (Citadel is a toolkit for scheduling containers on a Docker cluster)
  • CloudSlang (CloudSlang is a workflow engine to create Docker process automation)
  • autodock (Daemon for Docker Automation) by @prologic
  • blimp Uses Docker Machine to easily move a container from one Docker host to another, show containers running against all of your hosts, replicate a container across multiple hosts and more. By @defermat and @schvin
  • [Nomad Project] ( Easily deploy applications at any scale. A Distributed, Highly Available, Datacenter-Aware Scheduler.


  • docker-bench-security script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production. By @docker
  • notary a server and a client for running and interacting with trusted collections. By @docker
  • Twistlock Twistlock Security Suite detects vulnerabilities, hardens container images, and enforces security policies across the lifecycle of applications.

Service Discovery



Main Account

Useful videos

Interesting Twitter Accounts
