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REST API Real World Example With Rust

Ecommerce API, Real World Example with Rust (actix-web as framework and mongodb as database)

I think that the examples and resources of developing async web services in Rust are scarce. So I decided to open-source an API which I developed for an e-commerce site using actix-web framework a couple of months ago. I hope it gives an idea to those who wants to develop async web services using Rust Programming Language.

This API is literally real-wold example, it is live here


  • Create, Read, Update users
  • JWT Authentication middleware
  • Read listings
  • Create, Read, Update addresses
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete basket
  • Create, Read orders

How to run

You can either create a docker image, or run it locally.

  • create a prod.env file, copy content of .env file to prod.env file, and change them as you wish

to create a docker container

  • docker build -t you-name-it .
  • docker run --env-file ./prod.env --publish 3003:3003 --name name-your-container you-name-it

container named name-your-container will start.

to run locally

  • cargo run --release

app will start at port 3003.

Stars and PR's are welcome!