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Google coral
Good day! It's Google coral accelerator compatible? And if affirmative, how can I enable it? Thanks
Sorry but it is not compatible with Google Coral. I don't believe I can add support for it in the near future since it is not available for purchase in my country.
Question, it is available at the following store, but not sure if your able to order from it: arrow.com/en/products/g650-04686-01/google-corporation?fbclid=IwAR3Fo-fPp_zhXiN2273ApSvribl2gexR7R4CG25VS10GipcVs-4DAgJTTbY
I've created the relevant code and container config to run Feniks with Coral TPU and I should be submitting the PR soon so hopefully this will be part of feniks soon!
Thank you @guillemmateos
Question, it is available at the following store, but not sure if your able to order from it: row.com/en/products/g650-04686-01/google-corporation?fbclid=IwAR3Fo-fPp_zhXiN2273ApSvribl2gexR7R4CG25VS10GipcVs-4DAgJTTbY
Whan I click the link it says: Coming soon. Row.com is not currently adding new subscribers.
PRs submitted now @mehmetgoren. I also submitted a PR for the docker-compose creator so it takes care of adding the relevant bits if you've got a Coral TPU (only tested with USB Coral TPU so far)
Question, it is available at the following store, but not sure if your able to order from it: row.com/en/products/g650-04686-01/google-corporation?fbclid=IwAR3Fo-fPp_zhXiN2273ApSvribl2gexR7R4CG25VS10GipcVs-4DAgJTTbY
Whan I click the link it says: Coming soon. Row.com is not currently adding new subscribers.
I corrected it. Also, they are being sold n Aliexpress https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805256667249.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.11.62292006h1LQq2&algo_pvid=ae1d1026-d82d-413c-9a64-f747f958cbe0&algo_exp_id=ae1d1026-d82d-413c-9a64-f747f958cbe0-5&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21USD%2170.0%2170.0%21%21%21%21%21%40212272e216874737199784407d07cb%2112000033101931276%21sea%21US%212131105761&curPageLogUid=G37Gd1CEDjL0 and https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256802559751817.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.15.62292006h1LQq2&algo_pvid=ae1d1026-d82d-413c-9a64-f747f958cbe0&algo_exp_id=ae1d1026-d82d-413c-9a64-f747f958cbe0-7&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21USD%2148.0%2148.0%21%21%21%21%21%40212272e216874737199784407d07cb%2112000021944729894%21sea%21US%212131105761&curPageLogUid=IzuqttBNpIrD
Aliexpress says ' This product can't be shipped to your address. Select another product or address. '.
But I think I found it on Amazon Tr, though: https://www.amazon.com.tr/Google-Coral-Raspberry-Bilgisayarlar-H%C4%B1zland%C4%B1r%C4%B1c%C4%B1/dp/B07R53D12W/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_tr_TR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=ZW4XAUWHTEBZ&keywords=google+coral&qid=1687507591&s=computers&sprefix=google+coral%2Ccomputers%2C136&sr=1-1
Is this the product you are using?
Aliexpress says ' This product can't be shipped to your address. Select another product or address. '.
But I think I found it on Amazon Tr, though: https://www.amazon.com.tr/Google-Coral-Raspberry-Bilgisayarlar-H%C4%B1zland%C4%B1r%C4%B1c%C4%B1/dp/B07R53D12W/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_tr_TR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=ZW4XAUWHTEBZ&keywords=google+coral&qid=1687507591&s=computers&sprefix=google+coral%2Ccomputers%2C136&sr=1-1
Is this the product you are using?
I use the mpcie version. But same result. However different drivers
HEADS UP!! Google Coral MPCIE are now 27 Dollars on Arrow!! https://www.arrow.com/en/products/g650-04686-01/google-corporation?fbclid=IwAR3Fo-fPp_zhXiN2273ApSvribl2gexR7R4CG25VS10GipcVs-4DAgJTTbY Theres now 27 left, I just got another one.
No stock
In any cae is ther any news here to integrate coral?
The coral bits should be in the latest version I'd say. I did submit PRs for it in June and I think @mehmetgoren did merge them in most if not all repos.
Btw, support so far was only done and tested on Coral USB but it shouldn't be too difficult to port to the m.2 or pcie version.