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A simple demonstration of how to implement Debezium and Kafka connection within Golang


A simple demonstration of how to implement Debezium and Apache Kafka connection using Golang

How to run

First, if you didn't install Docker before you can download and install Docker to your system.


Open command line and change directory to project location.

Execute this commands for run Kafka, Postgresql and Zookeeper

cd go-kafka-debezium
docker-compose up

If you have another PostgreSQL instance on your maching open docker-compose.yml file and change PostgreSQL port. For example -> 5555:5432

This project using Kafka package from Confluent Inc. You need to get this package for prevent any exception.

go get github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go/kafka

Connect to PostgreSQL instance (created by docker-compose file).

Execute following commands for create database and table.


Select created database and run :

   "Name" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   "StockQuantity" INT NOT NULL

If you want to use another table and database change connector configuration

After did all these steps come back to project and run following command to see result

go run main.go

If you want to fix some code in this project or fix README file you can create a pull request.

Happy coding 🚀