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geometricDistance mistake?
Hello. I would like to ask if there is no error in the geometricDistance function. The function is:
def geometricDistance(correspondence, flow):
flow = flow.permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().detach().numpy()
p1 = correspondence[0] # 0
p2 = correspondence[1] # 1
if isinstance(correspondence[1][0], float):
result = p2 - (p1 - flow[int(p1[1]), int(p1[0])])
error = np.linalg.norm(result)
result = [p2 - (p1 - flow[p1[1], p1[0]]), p1 - (p2 - flow[p2[1], p2[0]])]
error = min(np.linalg.norm(result[0]), np.linalg.norm(result[1]))
return error
And it is called from :
def compute_eval_results(data_batch, output_batch, manager):
imgs_full = data_batch["imgs_ori"]
points = data_batch["points"]
batch_size, _, grid_h, grid_w = imgs_full.shape
H_flow_f, H_flow_b = output_batch['H_flow']
H_flow_f = net.upsample2d_flow_as(H_flow_f, imgs_full, mode="bilinear", if_rate=True) # scale
H_flow_b = net.upsample2d_flow_as(H_flow_b, imgs_full, mode="bilinear", if_rate=True)
img1_full_warp = net.get_warp_flow(imgs_full[:, :3, ...], H_flow_b, start=0)
img2_full_warp = net.get_warp_flow(imgs_full[:, 3:, ... ], H_flow_f, start=0)
errs = []
errs_p = []
for i in range(len(points)): # len(points)
point = eval(points[i])
err = 0
tmp = []
for j in range(6): # len(point['matche_pts'])
points_value = point['matche_pts'][j]
err_p = geometricDistance(points_value, H_flow_f[i])
err += err_p
errs.append(err / (j + 1))
# ==================================================================== return ======================================================================
eval_results = {}
eval_results["img1_full_warp"] = img1_full_warp
eval_results["errs"] = errs
eval_results["errs_p"] = errs_p
return eval_results
For what I am understand right now is that the H_flow_f is flow that transform img2 to img1 and thus p2 to p1, so for each pixel x2 in img2 its location in img1 is:
x1 = x2 + H_flow_f[x2[1], x2[0]]
and thus in the reverse operation:
x2 = x1 - H_flow_f[x2[1], x2[0]]
so I think it should be:
if isinstance(correspondence[1][0], float):
result = p2 - (p1 - flow[int(p2[1]), int(p2[0])])
error = np.linalg.norm(result)
result = [p2 - (p1 - flow[p2[1], p2[0]]), p1 - (p2 - flow[p1[1], p1[0]])]
error = min(np.linalg.norm(result[0]), np.linalg.norm(result[1]))