Arne Hassel

Results 108 issues of Arne Hassel

The pattern of hiding/showing buttons according to state is problematic in terms of accessibility. It might also not offer the best UX for users. I think toggling availability by changing...

`options.headers` might be a simple object or iniated with [the Headers API]( Copying an object of type `Headers` using [spread syntax]( will not copy the key-values stored within the object....


Today we use a mix of `alert`, `console.log` and Solid UIs notification module to handle errors and display something to users. We should make sure that these instances uses one...

good first issue

To further distinguish how "Edit your profile" and "View your profile" works.


The current version of data browser (mashlib, solid-panes, solid-ui, +++) does not work with Edge. I propose we revisit this issue when next version of Edge (Edge 76) that is...

We probably want some prefix for our CSS classes, to make sure that our styles are easy to use with other CSS libraries. I propose `solid-` as the prefix, but...

I'm looking over the list of organizations in the new redesign, and currently there's only BBC Research & Development listed there. Which organizations should we list here?

Some resources are removed altogether though, and I don't know where to point to on the new website.

I've rebased the branch on `2023-redesign` and added some CSS classes (.container, .tiles, .button, and added a bit to .legend). There's more work to do, but I wanted to share...