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A REST Client Made For Humans
Newman is StackMob's HTTP client. We named it after the Seinfeld Character.
And wrote a post explaining our motivation for building this library here.
Newman supports the following basic features:
- Making HTTP requests and receiving responses
- Serializing and deserializing request and response bodies
- Serializing and deserializing requests and responses for replay or caching
- In memory response caching with TTL expiry
- ETag HTTP caching
Usage for scala 2.11
resolvers ++= Seq(Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases"),
Resolver.bintrayRepo("scalaz", "releases"),
Resolver.bintrayRepo("megamsys", "scala"))
libraryDependencies += "io.megam" %% "newman" % "1.3.12"
Basic Usage
import com.stackmob.newman._
import com.stackmob.newman.dsl._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient
//execute a GET request
val url = new URL("")
val response = Await.result(GET(url).apply, 1.second) //this will throw if the response doesn't return within 1 second
println(s"Response returned from ${url.toString} with code ${response.code}, body ${response.bodyString}")
#Publishing in bintray
For more information
#from the sbt REPL
> bintrayChangeCredentials
> bintrayWhoami
> publish
#The DSL Newman comes with a DSL which is inspired by Dispatch, but uses mostly english instead of symbols. This DSL is the recommended way to build requests, and the above example in "Basic Usage" uses the DSL to construct a GET request.
To start using the DSL, simply import com.stackmob.newman.dsl._
The functions of interest in the DSL are uppercase representations of the HTTP verbs:
def GET(url: URL)(implicit client: HttpClient)
def POST(url: URL)(implicit client: HttpClient)
def PUT(url: URL)(implicit client: HttpClient)
def DELETE(url: URL)(implicit client: HttpClient)
def HEAD(url: URL)(implicit client: HttpClient)
Notice that each method takes an implicit HttpClient
, so you must declare your own implicit before
you use any of the above listed DSL methods, or pass one explicitly.
Each method listed above returns a Builder, which works in concert with the implicit methods defined
in the DSL
package to let you build up a request and then execute it.
Executing Requests
The most important method on com.stackmob.newman.HttpRequest
is def apply: Future[HttpResponse]
. A few notes on this method:
- It returns immediately after the request is started
- It returns a
that will be complete immediately after the executing request is complete - If you want to schedule some action to happen after the response is available, use
or a similar callback - The
can also fail with an exception, which you can react to withonFailure
- If you need to block your code from proceeding until the
is available, useAwait.result
. - We recommend refactoring your blocking code to remove
calls it possible, since latencies are unpredictable, subject to network conditions, etc...
Newman comes with built in support for serializing HttpRequest
s and HttpResponse
s to Json.
To serialize either, simply call the toJson(prettyPrint: Boolean = false): String
method on the HttpRequest
or HttpResponse
. And to deserialize, call HttpRequest.fromJson(json: String): Result[HttpRequest]
or HttpResponse.fromJson(json: String): Result[HttpResponse]
to deserialize the HttpRequest
or HttpResponse
, respectively.
ETag Support
Newman comes with an implementation of HttpClient
called ETagAwareHttpClient
. This implementation requires an underlying "raw" HttpClient
to execute requests to a server, but it also requires an implementation of HttpResponseCacher
It uses this HttpResponseCacher
to check the cache for a response corresponding to a given request. If it finds one and that response has an ETag
header in it, the ETagAwareHttpClient
automatically sends an If-None-Match
header to the server containing that ETag
. In this case, if the server responds with a 304 NOT MODIFIED
response code, then ETagAwareHttpClient
will return the cached version. In all other cases, ETagAwareHttpClient
will cache and return the new response.
Usage With the DSL
Using ETagAwareHttpClient
is very similar to the basic usage above. Following demonstrates how to use the client with a (built-in) in-memory cache implementation.
import com.stackmob.newman.{ETagAwareHttpClient, ApacheHttpClient}
import com.stackmob.newman.caching.InMemoryHttpResponseCacher
import com.stackmob.newman.dsl._
//change this implementation to your own if you want to use Memcached, Redis, etc
val cache = new InMemoryHttpResponseCacher
val rawHttpClient = new ApacheHttpClient
//eTagClient will be used in the DSL to construct & execute requests below
implicit val eTagClient = new ETagAwareHttpClient(rawHttpClient, cache)
val url = new URL("")
//since the cacher is empty, this will issue a request to without an If-None-Match header
val res1 = GET(url).apply
//assuming res1 contained an ETag and fully supports ETag headers,
// will return a 304 response code in this request and res2 will come from the cache
val res2 = GET(url).apply