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This Guzzle middleware allows to use Tor client as a proxy


Build Status

This Guzzle middleware allows to use Tor client as a proxy

function get_tor_ip()
    $stack = new HandlerStack();
    $stack->setHandler(new CurlHandler());
    $client = new Client(['handler' => $stack]);

    $response = $client->get('');

    if (preg_match('/<strong>([\d.]+)<\/strong>/', $response->getBody(), $matches)) {
        return $matches[1];
    } else {
        return null;

Get started

  1. Install composer

Follow the instruction at

  1. Install guzzle-tor
php composer.phar require megahertz/guzzle-tor
  1. (optional) Copy an example and run
cp vendor/megahertz/guzzle-tor/example.php example.php
php example.php

Symfony 3/4 config DI


    GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack: ~
      class: GuzzleTor\Middleware
      factory: ['GuzzleTor\Middleware', tor]

      factory: GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack:create
      class: GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack
      - [ push, ['@app.client.tor'] ]

      class: GuzzleHttp\Client
      - {handler: '@app.client.handler_stack'}

    GuzzleHttp\Client: '@app.client'



Middleware::tor($proxy, $torControl)
  • $proxy is tor socks5 port, by default ''
  • $torControl is Tor control port, by default ''. Set if you want to change ip (clean circuits)

Request options

$client->get('', [
    'tor_new_identity'           => true,
    'tor_new_identity_sleep'     => 15,
    'tor_new_identity_timeout'   => 3,
    'tor_new_identity_exception' => true, 
    'tor_control_password'       => 'password' 
Name Description
tor_new_identity Change an identity/IP (clean circuits) before request. If it's set, we send NEWNYM signal to Tor client. Please be aware, that this method does not guarantee that an identity will be changed soon
tor_new_identity_sleep Pause (seconds) between an ip change identity and a request sending
tor_new_identity_timeout Timeout for a Tor control connection
tor_control_password Tor control password
tor_new_identity_exception If true throw TorNewIdentityException if an error was occurred while trying to change an identity