Michael Fryar
Michael Fryar
For those who stumble across this and want to use [luochen1990/rainbow](https://github.com/luochen1990/rainbow), I was able to make it work with vim-clojure-highlight without having to add any `autocmd`s. Since I'm using vim-plug,...
Thanks, @AprilArcus! In addition to implementing your edit to `.vim/colors/solarized.vim`, I also had to follow [this Gist](https://gist.github.com/sos4nt/3187620#gistcomment-2905187) and add these two lines to my `.vimrc`, using `` to enter `^[`:...
Thanks for the fast response @afucher! I tried `ctrl + l`, but it didn't work as expected for me.
I realized that I had a keyboard shortcut enabled to map `⌃L` to simulate a right arrow keystroke. Now that I've disabled that `⌃L` works to clear the REPL window!