مِيزَانُ الْدِّينْ عَبْدُ ذِيْ الْجَلَالِ وَ الْإِكْرَامِ

Results 32 comments of مِيزَانُ الْدِّينْ عَبْدُ ذِيْ الْجَلَالِ وَ الْإِكْرَامِ

JazakAllah Kahir - that would be great. One of the issues I ran into (because I was working with PHP) was that it was unable to detect some of the...

Thank you @ngekoding, let's leave the issue open. There's another open issue about Surah names, so insha Allah I will try and deal with them both soon.

Related to https://github.com/islamic-network/api.alquran.cloud/issues/52.

JazakAllah brother. I'll have a look, inshaAllah and can look at adding pagination. You mean the rate limit per second should be higher?

Al Salaamu Alaykum @vipafattal. I have also seen your email but I'm sorry have been unable to respond. I don't have any digitised text of Arabic commentaries, but if you...

Alaykum Salaam @vipafattal, apologies for the delayed response. I suppose https://github.com/islamic-network/alquran-tools/blob/master/src/AlQuranCloud/Tools/Parser/Tajweed.php#L34 might be a good start to keep things consistent in terms of colour coding. If it's a non webview...

Alaykum Salaam @papasmile. This issue has to do with some lazy coding I did back in 2013 - so basically if you do not specify a timestamp in any of...

@papasmile For the redirect, yes, we pay a very small price, but the bigger calculation we can cache. I don't expect to do a partial calculation, the response payload is...

No, this refers to https://github.com/islamic-network/api.aladhan.com/blob/master/src/AlAdhanApi/Model/HijriCalendarService.php in general. There are always discrepancies with Hijri dates. The ```IntlDateFormatter```seemed a better approach but it also has discrepancies, so I'm in 2 minds about...

@Roaa94 The Hijri date is is a pure mathematical calculation. The adjustment endpoint is stable (it always does the same thing), it's just not what you are after, and it...