discord-bot-best-practices copied to clipboard
Don't execute no-idempotent commands if can't reply to them
Don't execute no-idempotent commands if can't reply to them. Mostly commands
send a message to the user either on success or error. The user expects at least
one reply when running a command. But, in certain configurations, the bot doesn't
have the permission to write on a channel (SEND_MESSAGES
). So, the user
tends to run the command twice or more thinking that command failed silently i.e:
invalid number of args, invalid command (see rule 6), bot offline, etc.
e.g suppose the command donate
that gifts virtual currency to
guild server. The user runs donate 1000
on a channel where bot can't
reply due to guild configuration, the bot executes the command and reduces
the amount to the user, but can't send a success message. Because reply
not send, the user runs again donate 1000
thinking that command failed silently.
The result, the user donated twice the amount, and now he is virtually broken.
My English is not good, so I send this as suggestion instead of PR. feel free to edit this and fix my spelling and grammar mistakes
I like the idea, but I feel as if it shouldn't be required to tell coders to do this. You should expect that if the bot failed in ANY way, either undo the action or only do the action after it has permission.
Unfortunately, this repo is dead, so I doubt any changes will be made. (Watch as this is the one time he comes back)