pytorch-semseg copied to clipboard
Dataloader Type Error
Thank you for your code. I met a problem:
RUNDIR: runs/fcn8s_cityscapes/19903
Found 2975 train images
Found 500 val images
INFO:ptsemseg:Using cross_entropy with {'size_average': False} params
INFO:ptsemseg:Using loss functools.partial(<function cross_entropy2d at 0x7f347b02a730>, size_average=False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 229, in
Here's the configs: model: arch: fcn8s data: dataset: cityscapes train_split: train val_split: val img_rows: 'same' img_cols: 'same' path: /content/pytorch-segmentation/data/cityscapes/ training: train_iters: 85000 batch_size: 2 val_interval: 1000 n_workers: 4 print_interval: 50 optimizer: name: 'sgd' lr: 1.0e-10 weight_decay: 0.0005 momentum: 0.99 loss: name: 'cross_entropy' size_average: False lr_schedule: name: constant_lr resume:
Can you help me solve it?
Hi,have you solved the problem? I had a similar problem.
You should take a look at config file, and change img_rows, img_cols to integer