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Incorrect import of Ant design library
Importing antd almost works out of the box, once compiled Alva will import all the components but the properties are not correct. I can't get Alva running from source but it seems like it's matching props from incorrect *.d.ts, even from node_modules. Antd is written in TypeScript but with a module layout that may be confusing the analyzer, since each module has it's own directory and index.js.
Is there a way I can tweak the module format to fix the props issue?
This is in v0.9.1. I couldn't find a way to import local libraries in the master version.
To get Antd ready for import:
git clone
cd ant-design
npm run compile
Definition from row.d.ts:
export interface RowProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
gutter?: number | Partial<Record<Breakpoint, number>>;
type?: 'flex';
align?: (typeof RowAligns)[number];
justify?: (typeof RowJustify)[number];
prefixCls?: string;
Properties in Alva:
Only prefixCls from the definition is there.
Hey thanks for reporting. Could you provide a bit more details, e.g. screenshots of properties you wouldn't expect?
Added details, this is for v0.9.1.