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Wanted: Cost to run this API

Open Brian-Bartels opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

I am working on a small project that utilizes this API. I've hit your endpoint maybe 25 times. Anyway before I share my project with friends and family I would love to know the monthly costs for this endpoint as well as cost per hit. So that if my site get's any appreciable about of usage I can donate appropriately

Brian-Bartels avatar Mar 07 '22 16:03 Brian-Bartels

I don't believe there isn't too much cost at all, they said they are sourcing now exclusively from Wikitonary. I forgot where I saw this but was definitely on the github or maybe there website. EDIT: Saw the top of the nvm

leifadev avatar Mar 09 '22 23:03 leifadev

@leifadev I guess the cost mentioned here is not the cost for a dictionary API or such. The data source was google and to avoid legal issues it was moved to Wiktionary. What costs here is the server. Correct me if I am wrong. Did anyone mention that the developer is paying for a different service?

akbayt avatar Mar 11 '22 06:03 akbayt

@akbayt I have no idea, hopefully the transition will complete sooner or later

leifadev avatar Mar 13 '22 19:03 leifadev