
Results 71 comments of meetDeveloper

@nadesco I have not fixed this issue yet. 😅 I just found out the what is causing the issue. Need to spend some time thinking about solution.

Thanks will update the extension, sorry for late reply. Life sometimes does not leave time for anything.

@bhch Can you resolve the conflicts

You also will need to enable dom.getRootNode.enabled. :) Then it will work for you. I did not knew about waterfox browser, I will add this too in addons page and...

I use shadow dom for the popup. I use Shadow DOM due to level of encapsulation it provides. You can read more about this here. Shadow DOM is recently been...

Yeah missed the link: By encapsulation I mean by popup is separated from other things in page and their CSS does not affect my popup. I use function _getRootNode_,...

@syverik are you the one with slashdot website problem?

@syverik Looking into this. Is this problem only experienced when you turn on adblock?

@syverik Hmm, i noticed that when i turned off the ublock origin and then reload the page, the popup shows, but if I turned on it does not show. You...

I found the cause, that some css style sheet that ublock origin apply to slashdot makes the display none for my addon.