Cody Lundquist
Cody Lundquist
Hi @tmblog. Sorry I haven't gotten to this yet :-/. Been very busy with work and finalising buying a new house. Imagine (the PHP library I use to manipulate images)...
I feel like this is only an issue if you are using Munee _without_ using a RewriteRule. So we shouldn't even be passing a font file through Munee. So the...
The reason it's running the font through Munee is because: 1. You are not using a RewriteRule, meaning you are using munee like: `munee.php?files=my-css.css` 2. Munee knows that you aren't...
I would suggest changing your `.htaccess` file to not run files from `bower_components` through Munee.
@t-prod: It looks like Munee is erroring out when trying to compile. The way Munee works (which was an oversight on my part) is that it takes the original content...
@t-prod: Are you able to work out where in your SCSS this is happening? Start deleting sections and retrying to see what particular part of your SCSS is causing this?...
I have something in place which rewrites any of the CSS url paths from relative links to absolute for minifying and concatenation purposes. So those `@import` tags actually shouldn't be...
Okay. I'm going to give it try myself. Bringing in Foundation and then trying to compile it via Munee. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Sorry for the issues! Please use the previous version until I can figure this out.
That seems like to me that the rewrite rule may not be correct. Can you verify that you've done step 3 here? Also, to try and isolate the issue,...