Without a palette provided to `blitFrom` here, there would be assertions and `nullptr` segfaults in `Graphics::ManagedSurface::blitFromInner`. Observed in _MindGym_ and _The Day The World Broke_. The palette content is not...
Add stubs for the plugin modifiers fade, Navigate, OpenTitle and Print. They were originally part of the standard EXTRAS and EXPRMNTL plugin packages. Usages of fade and Print are very...
This change gives alias and compound variable modifiers the same privilege as variable modifiers and qualifies them for internal reference linking. Seemingly this is required for mTropolis 1.1 titles, which...
Move the Print modifier from the MTI plugin to the Standard plugin. Usage of Print is very common in mTropolis games. Although MTI had Print in its MTIKIT plugin, most...
Add stubs for modifiers from custom plugins and third-party plugins. The modifier implementations mostly consist of copypasted boilerplate code, making this PR seem much larger than it is. In theory...
Return the second child instead of ``nullptr`` in case the first child is to be rejected. Otherwise the returned ``nullptr`` would cause a segfault later. This happens in The Day...