sendmail icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sendmail copied to clipboard

Classic, well known from PHP, method of sending emails.

Go sendmail Build Status

This package implements classic, well known from PHP, method of sending emails. It's stupid simple and it works not only with Sendmail, but also with other MTAs, like Postfix or sSMTP, which provide compatibility interface.

  • it separates email headers from email body,
  • encodes UTF-8 headers like Subject, From, To
  • makes it easy to use text/template
  • doesn't require any SMTP configuration,
  • just uses /usr/sbin/sendmail command which is present on most of the systems,
    • if not, just update sendmail.Binary
  • outputs emails to stdout when environment variable DEBUG is set.


go get -u


package main

import (


func main() {
	sm := sendmail.Mail{
		Subject: "Cześć",
		From:    &mail.Address{"Michał", "[email protected]"},
		To: []*mail.Address{
			{"Ktoś", "[email protected]"},
			{"Ktoś2", "[email protected]"},
	io.WriteString(&sm.Text, ":)\r\n")
	if err := sm.Send(); err != nil {

Instead of io.WriteString, you can execute a template:

tpl := template.Must(template.New("email").Parse(`Hello {{.Name}}!`))
tpl.ExecuteTemplate(&sm.Text, "email", &struct{ Name string }{"Dominik"})


  • HTML emails