By default setup-minikube caches the ISO, kicbase, and preload using GitHub Action Cache, if you'd like to disable this caching add the following to your workflow file.
- default: latest
- options:
- version in format of 'X.X.X'
- 'latest' for the latest stable release
- 'HEAD' for the latest development build
- example: 1.24.0
driver (optional)
- default: '' (minikube will auto-select)
- options:
- docker
- none (baremetal)
- virtualbox (available on macOS free agents)
- also possible if installed on self-hosted agent: podman, parallels, vmwarefusion, hyperkit, vmware, ssh
- default: stable
- options:
- 'stable' for the latest stable Kubernetes version
- 'latest' for the Newest Kubernetes version
- 'vX.X.X'
- example: v1.23.1
cpus (optional)
- default: '' (minikube will auto-set)
- options:
- ''
- 'max' to use the maximum available CPUs
- example: 4
memory (optional)
- default: '' (minikube will auto-set)
- options:
- '' where unit = b, k, m or g
- 'max' to use the maximum available memory
- example: 4000m
- default: ''
- value: Any extra config fields (see [docs](
feature-gates (optional)
- default: ''
- value: Enable feature gates in API service (see [docs](
listen-address (optional)
- default: ''
- value: IP Address to use to expose ports (docker and podman driver only)
mount-path (optional)
- default: ''
- value: Mount the source directory from your host into the target directory inside the cluster (format: :)
install-path (optional)
- default: ''
- value: Path where the executables (minikube) will get installed. Useful when having multiple self-hosted runners on one machine.
insecure-registry (optional)
- default: ''
- value: Any container registry address which is insecure
- example: localhost:5000,
start-args (optional)
- default: ''
- value: Any flags you would regularly pass into minikube via CLI
- example: --delete-on-failure --subnet
Example 1:
Start Kubernetes on pull request
name: CI
- pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: job1
- name: start minikube
id: minikube
uses: medyagh/setup-minikube@latest
# now you can run kubectl to see the pods in the cluster
- name: kubectl
run: kubectl get pods -A
Example 2
Start Kubernetes using all configuration options
name: CI
- pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: job1
- name: start minikube
uses: medyagh/setup-minikube@latest
id: minikube
cache: false
minikube-version: 1.24.0
driver: docker
container-runtime: containerd
kubernetes-version: v1.22.3
cpus: 4
memory: 4000m
cni: bridge
addons: registry,ingress
extra-config: 'kubelet.max-pods=10'
feature-gates: 'DownwardAPIHugePages=true'
mount-path: '/Users/user1/test-files:/testdata'
wait: false
insecure-registry: 'localhost:5000,'
start-args: '--delete-on-failure --subnet'
# now you can run kubectl to see the pods in the cluster
- name: kubectl
run: kubectl get pods -A
Example 3:
Build image and deploy to Kubernetes on pull request
name: CI
- push
- pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: build discover and deploy
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: medyagh/local-dev-example-with-minikube
- name: Start minikube
uses: medyagh/setup-minikube@latest
# now you can run kubectl to see the pods in the cluster
- name: Try the cluster!
run: kubectl get pods -A
- name: Build image
run: |
minikube image build -t local/devex:v1 .
- name: Deploy to minikube
run: |
kubectl apply -f deploy/k8s.yaml
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=local-devex
- name: Test service URLs
run: |
minikube service list
minikube service local-devex-svc --url
echo -n "------------------opening the service------------------"
curl $(minikube service local-devex-svc --url)/version