Medya Ghazizadeh
Medya Ghazizadeh
Hello a few years ago we created this issue and this PR and we been using a fork of spinner for the issue that we have, however I...
### Name and Version bitnami/kubectl:1.30.0 ### What architecture are you using? None ### What steps will reproduce the bug? in minikube automation, we noticed the SHA for bitnami/kubectl:1.30.0 was changed...
I create an m3.xlarge instance (which comes with 2X40GB SSD) and when I do fdsik -l I do NOT see 40GB , there at all, I only see one device...
in this table there should be a new column for duration of each test and how much they have grown
for example hyperV windows has not been running but it is showing in the top list as best environment
For example here the chart showing 100% failed for 1 run in one day ! which could be misleading it is better for the chart to have an option... as seen in this PR the txt we might be able to add a section in readme for go 1.20