Alexander Medvednikov
Alexander Medvednikov
Cool @MatejMagat305 That's on par with the website's 500k loc/s with the tcc backend.
@tedstoychev the hardware listed on the website is a bit more modern, hence the 2x speed diff.
Thanks for the report! Will fix.
Secure cookies are used now, need to detect dev environment, and not use them there. Will fix today.
@davtur19 sorry for the delay, should be fine now.. Can you try again?
I assume you set the cookie with a browser extension, or with the developer's console, right?
Very strange, works fine for me locally (no proxy), and on (nginx).
So as I understand you want a way to share V libraries without sharing the source. For proprietary software. Right? The very first version of V used to allow that....
It does actually: .vh (V headers). Again, they somewhat disappeared after the compiler re-write, but they will be back for module caching, so that the parser won't have to parse...
@EchoPouet this will be implemented (or rather brought back) this year.