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Unable to set a payment session (medusa.carts.setPaymentSession) with provider_id as 'stripe

Open dianaow opened this issue 4 months ago • 1 comments

Bug report

Describe the bug

Unable to set a payment session with the provider_id as 'stripe' after creating payment sessions. I'm certain Stripe has already been set up correctly on Medusa backend and admin, with PUBLIC_STRIPE_KEY and PRIVATE_STRIPE_KEY specified in .env file.

System information

Medusa version (including plugins): "1.20.2" Node.js version: v18.18.0

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Error occurs at medusa.carts.setPaymentSession

   let cart = await medusa.carts.createPaymentSessions(cartid)
      .then(async ({ cart }) => {

         // check if stripe is selected
         const isStripeAvailable = cart.payment_sessions?.some(
            (session: any) => (
            session.provider_id === "stripe"
         if (!isStripeAvailable) {

         // select stripe payment session
         const clientSecret = await medusa.carts.setPaymentSession(lcartid, {
            provider_id: "stripe",
         .then(({ cart }) =>
         .catch((e) => console.log(e))
        return clientSecret
      .catch((e) => console.log(e))

Expected behavior

A 200 response with a cart object returned


Medusa Admin Region settings: Stripe is checked Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 6 28 40 PM

POST request to create a payment session (I see the presence of stripe as a payment provider option) Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 5 03 18 PM

POST request to set a payment session Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 5 04 01 PM

Error message

Error: Request failed with status code 404

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    data: {
      type: 'not_found',
      message: 'Could not find a payment provider with id: stripe'
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  toJSON: [Function: toJSON]

dianaow avatar Mar 06 '24 10:03 dianaow

It is necessary to add a webhook_secret to the plugins array in medusa-config.js in the backend.

As quoted from the documentation: "As for the webhook_secret, it’s essential for your production environment. So, if you’re only using Stripe for development you can skip adding the value for this option at the moment."

I interpreted this to mean that if I were to attempt a checkout and payment flow with a Stripe account in test mode, I wouldn't need to add the webhook_secret. However, the opposite is true. To get a successful response from any Medusa Store APIs related to payment sessions, shipping methods and cart completion, a webhook_secret needs to be specified alongside correct public and secret Stripe API keys.

dianaow avatar Mar 11 '24 09:03 dianaow