minet copied to clipboard
A webmining CLI tool & library for python.
running `minet youtube comments 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJVXjy-1rx8'` gets locked with the expired api limits message: ```API limits reached. Will now wait until midnight Pacific time!"``` It probably is because the video announces:...
``` urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: : Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: : Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name...
explore possibilities : - via open source apps https://telegram.org/apps - via web preview ex: https://t.me/s/trottasilvano (with infinite scrollup)
- "Video isn't available anymore" - "Video removed for violating YT's community guidelines" - vidéo passée privée - etc. cc @shadenshabayek
Requires to granularize the time bounds of the query to be made
--- iterator: .article-entry h3 fields: title: text description: sel_eval: element.find_next_sibling('p') link: sel_eval: element.find_next_sibling('p').select_one('a') attr: href eval: "urljoin('https://factuel.afp.com', value)"