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The shared repository for Media Cloud web apps (Explorer, Source Manager, Topic Mapper)

Media Cloud Web Tools

This is a shared repository for all the front-facing Media Cloud web tools. This includes:

Check out the doc folder for more documentation.

Dev Installation


  • git submodule update --init --recursive


  • Follow the instructions in doc/python-versions.md to setup Python the way we do
  • Once you've got Python setup, install the requirements by running pip install -r requirements.txt

Node and yarn:

  • On Windows, make sure to create an environment variable: set NODE_ENV=dev
  • make sure your node installation is up-to-date (we work with v8.2.1 right now)
  • yarn install to install all the package dependencies (as specified in the package.json)

MongoDB: Install MongoDb:

  • brew tap mongodb/brew
  • brew install [email protected] If you get a connection refused error, make sure you've started the server by running brew services start [email protected]

Redis: Install Redis We develop on OS X and install via the HomeBrew package manager: brew install redis

MemCache: On OSX, make sure to run brew install libmemcached otherwise you'll get an error about pylibmc failing to install (http://brew.sh)

Multi-platform setup: Coming soon


Copy config/app.config.template to config/app.config and fill in the required info there.

Running the Apps

You need to open two terminal windows and run one thing in each (so the hot-reloading can work):

  • redis-server to start redis (if it's not running already)
  • yarn run topics-dev or yarn run sources-dev
  • python run.py
    • if you get flask errors, run the pip install -r requirements.txt line again. On Mac Osx, you may need to run with --ignore-installed


You will make your life easier by installing these tools:


Python linting rules can be found in .pylintrc. To run linting run:

make lint.py

To run JS linting rules:

npx eslint

We use PyCharm and run linting on the flying using the pylint-pycharm plugin. After installing it, enable real-time inspection:

  • Preferences > Editor > Inspections > Pylint
  • Check "Pylint real-time scan"

A pre-commit hooks will run JavaScript linting (e.g. when you commit, linting will be run). You can try to automatically fix JavaScript linting errors by running:

$ yarn run lint_fix

Not all errors can be fixed this way and for more details about the linting error see eslint.