
Results 29 issues of mecoFarid

Any possibilities location returns null or it's already handled inside library so only not-null location will return?

The upper part of the Sneaker gets overlapped by a status bar on Pre-Lollipop devices

### Expected behaviour We should be able to capture large views even if parts of it is outside bounds of the window. E.g. views inside `ScrollView` ### Actual behaviour Library...

ZGridActivity works fine, but when I invoke ZGalleryActivity, I'm getting 'NoClassDefFoundError'. > NOTE: One of my 3rd party libraries implements com.gihub.chrisbanes.PhotoView as this library **Stacktrace:** ``` FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process:...

I have a simple setup as follows, where I am trying to bond with a host BL device by reading encrypted characteristics. This code sometimes succeeds but fails most of...

awaiting user input

Trying to connect to an nRF for iOS simulator that is installed on iPhone. But I can't connect in any way. The following are the visualization of the problem in...

Trying to change the drawable color in TextViewRichDrawble with `app:drawableTint="@android:color/holo_red_dark"` but that has no effect on the output.

**Library Version:** `1.9.4` **DslJson Instance:** `new DslJson(Settings.basicSetup().allowArrayFormat(true).skipDefaultValues(false));` I have a class with generic type: ``` @CompiledJson public class FilterResponse { private final List list; public FilterResponse(List list) { this.list =...

Is there any way to ignore `@JsonAttribute(ignore = true)` when serializing the Object? Use-case: A class is used for both sending the data to the server and local caching. Some...

Gradle setup: ``` compile 'com.dslplatform:dsl-json-java8:1.9.7' annotationProcessor 'com.dslplatform:dsl-json-java8:1.9.7' provided 'javax.json.bind:javax.json.bind-api:1.0' ``` Snippet to reproduce: ``` @CompiledJson data class DslTestDataClass( var field: String? = null ) val dslJson = DslJson(Settings.basicSetup().allowArrayFormat(true).skipDefaultValues(false)) fun Any?.toJson(json:...