spectra icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
spectra copied to clipboard

Spectra extraction tutorials based on torch and torchaudio.


Considering the pytorch-kaldi is presented, so it is more practical to use it. Also, SpeechBrain, A PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit, is coming. I am looking forward to a nice step on speech. To conclude, this package is used to learn spectra of a signal, so it is valuable at all.

News: Tutorials continue to come! Jupiter Notebook Viewer for "Reaload?"er.

This library provides common spectra features from an audio signal including MFCCs and filter bank energies. This library mimics the library python_speech_features but PyTorch-style.

This library provides voice activity detection (VAD) based on energy. This library mimics the library VAD-python but PyTorch-style.

Use: Rui Wang. (2020, March 14). mechanicalsea/spectra: release v0.4.0 (Version 0.4.0).


This library is avaliable on pypi.org

To install from Pypi:

pip install --upgrade spectra-torch


  • python: 3.7.3
  • torch: 1.4.0
  • torchaudio: 0.4.0


Supported features:

  • Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)
  • Filterbank Energies
  • Log Filterbank Energies
  • Voice Activity Detection (VAD)

Here are examples.

Easy demo:

# Ensure cuda is available.
import spectra_torch.base as mm
import torchaudio as ta

sig, sr = ta.load_wav('piece_20_32k.wav')
sig = sig[0].cuda()
mfcc = mm.mfcc(sig, sr) # MFCC
starts, detection = mm.is_speech(sig, sr, speechlen=0.5) # VAD


Tutorials of MFCC and VAD is provided at notebooks.

Step-by-step description is presented. Welcome to enjoy it.


The difference between spectra_torch and python_speech_features:

  • Precision bais: 1e-4
  • Speed up: 0.1s/mfcc


def mfcc(signal, samplerate=16000, winlen=0.025, hoplen=0.01, 
         numcep=13, nfilt=26, nfft=None, lowfreq=0, highfreq=None, 
         preemph=0.97, ceplifter=22, plusEnergy=True)


def fbank(signal, samplerate=16000, winlen=0.025, hoplen=0.01, 
          nfilt=26, nfft=512, lowfreq=0, highfreq=None, preemph=0.97)


def is_speech(signal, samplerate=16000, winlen=0.02, hoplen=0.01, 
              thresEnergy=0.6, speechlen=0.5, lowfreq=300, highfreq=3000, 

Parameterized Bandpass Filter

class PFilter(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, 
                 padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=False, device="cpu",
                 mode='bandpass',sample_rate=16000, min_hz=50, max_hz=None,
                 min_band_hz=50, win_fn="Hamming")


  • python_speeck_features: https://github.com/jameslyons/python_speech_features
  • VAD-python: https://github.com/marsbroshok/VAD-python
  • pythonaudio: https://pytorch.org/audio/_modules/torchaudio/functional.html

Thanks for you attention.

Free for question to my email ([email protected]).