html5-qrcode copied to clipboard
Removing or Hiding The Stop Scanning or Start Scanning Buttons
I am creating an internal site with a feature to scan QR Codes. And I would like to Hide or remove the button the Stop or Start Scanning Buttons. Is it possible? It is not Deal breaking or something but if it is possible, I really want to know.
In this case how will use start or stop scanning?
In this case how will use start or stop scanning?
I am with @MarFranMar . Start and stop should be possible by own buttons/script.
BTW: after successfully scan I have to stop additional scans but there is no something like html5QrcodeScanner.stop(); Please implement start() and stop()
In this case how will use start or stop scanning?
Well Via Code... I purposefully call Clear() after reading the QR and Initialize it again. Well the purpose was for verification and it's done via ajax and modal. So I call Clear() after scanning and show A modal and after that modal closes I re-initialize the Scanner...
I am running into the same issue and I would like to know how to hide the buttons
@jurip89 you can import a css file into your JS file and do the following:
visibility: hidden;
display: none;
@mebjas, use case for a lot of people is either open the scanner, scan the QR code and then trigger some action based on that -- 'stop scanner' is not the most intuitive in a lot of apps and everyone has their own wording for it (e.g. "complete scan", "continue"....) unless I misread the docs, I did not find any way to customize the CSS of the scanner which I guess is the main ask of this feature request.
aside from that, you guys are fucking heroes for open sourcing this❣️ 🚀
Thank you a lot man
New solution :
delete html5QrcodeScanner;