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Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency strip-ansi to v7
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency eslint to v9
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency string-width to v7
Detected dependencies
styfle/cancel-workflow-action 0.12.1
actions/checkout v4@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871
FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action v2
actions/setup-node v4
styfle/cancel-workflow-action 0.12.1
actions/checkout v4@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871
FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action v2
actions/setup-node v4
@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader 8.0.1
@graphql-tools/load 8.0.2
browserify 17.0.1
colors 1.4.0
esmify 2.1.1
fs-extra 11.2.0
graphql *
isomorphic-unfetch 4.0.2
listr 0.14.3
lodash 4.17.21
mkdirp 3.0.1
prettier 3.3.3
qs 6.13.0
rimraf 6.0.1
terser 5.34.1
yargs 17.7.2
@sucrase/jest-plugin 3.0.0
@types/browserify 12.0.40
@types/common-tags 1.8.4
@types/fs-extra 11.0.4
@types/jest 29.5.13
@types/listr 0.14.9
@types/lodash 4.17.10
@types/node 22.7.5
@types/qs 6.9.16
@types/yargs 17.0.33
common-tags 1.8.2
dotenv 16.4.5
husky 9.1.6
jest 29.7.0
sucrase 3.35.0
ts-jest 29.2.5
@envelop/parser-cache 7.0.0
@envelop/validation-cache 7.0.0
@graphql-tools/schema 10.0.6
graphql 16.9.0
graphql-scalars 1.23.0
graphql-upload-ts 2.1.2
graphql-yoga 5.7.0
nexus 1.3.0
supertest 7.0.0
ts-node 10.9.2
typescript 5.6.3
uuid 10.0.0
@types/jest 29.5.13
@types/supertest 6.0.2
jest 29.7.0
ts-jest 29.2.5
graphql 16.9.0
ts-node 10.9.2
typescript 5.6.3
@apollo/react-hooks 4.0.0
@chakra-ui/react 2.10.2
@emotion/core 11.0.0
@emotion/react 11.13.3
@emotion/styled 11.13.0
@tanstack/react-query 5.59.6
@types/js-cookie 3.0.6
apollo-boost 0.4.9
baby-i-am-faded 4.0.14
emotion-theming 11.0.0
framer-motion 11.11.7
graphql-tag 2.12.6
landing-blocks 2.1.0
next 14.2.15
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
react-extra-hooks 2.3.4
react-icons 5.3.0
react-storage-hooks 4.0.1
swr 2.2.5
typescript 5.6.3
@types/node 22.7.5
@types/react 18.3.11
@types/react-dom 18.3.0
next-transpile-modules 10.0.1
sucrase 3.35.0
ts-node 10.9.2
puppeteer 23.5.1
@apollo/server 4.11.0
await-sleep 0.0.1
axios 1.7.7
deep-equal 2.2.3
express 4.21.1
graphql 16.9.0
graphql-easy-mocks 1.1.1
ts-node 10.9.2
tsd 0.31.2
tsdef 0.0.14
typescript 5.6.3
@types/deep-equal 1.0.4
@types/express 5.0.0
@types/mocha 10.0.9
@types/node 22.7.5
@types/ws 8.5.12
mocha 10.7.3
snap-shot-it 7.9.10
sucrase 3.35.0
graphql 16.9.0
ws 8.18.0
@next/font 14.2.15
@types/node 22.7.5
@types/react 18.3.11
@types/react-dom 18.3.0
eslint 8.57.1
eslint-config-next 14.2.15
next 14.2.15
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
typescript 5.6.3
puppeteer ^23.0.0
compressed-json 1.0.16
dotenv 16.4.5
graphql-query-batcher 1.0.1
ibm-graphql-query-generator 1.3.0
isomorphic-unfetch 4.0.2
@types/mocha 10.0.9
mocha 10.7.3
sucrase 3.35.0
ts-node 10.9.2
string-width 4.2.3
@ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports 4.3.1
lerna 8.1.8
prettier 3.3.3
typescript 5.6.3
ultra-runner 3.10.5
graphql 16.9.0
string-width 4.2.3
strip-ansi 6.0.1
ws 8.18.0
yarn 1.22.22+sha512.a6b2f7906b721bba3d67d4aff083df04dad64c399707841b7acf00f6b133b7ac24255f2652fa22ae3534329dc6180534e98d17432037ff6fd140556e2bb3137e
axios 1.7.7
form-data 4.0.0
graphql-ws 5.16.0
is-plain-obj 4.1.0
lodash.assign 4.2.0
lodash.get 4.4.2
lodash.startswith 4.2.1
ws 8.18.0
zen-observable-ts 1.1.0
@sucrase/jest-plugin 3.0.0
@types/common-tags 1.8.4
@types/jest 29.5.13
@types/lodash 4.17.10
@types/lodash.assign 4.2.9
@types/lodash.get 4.4.9
@types/lodash.startswith 4.2.9
@types/node 22.7.5
@types/qs 6.9.16
@types/ws 8.5.12
common-tags 1.8.2
dotenv 16.4.5
jest 29.7.0
sucrase 3.35.0
ts-jest 29.2.5
tslib 2.7.0
utility-types 3.11.0
graphql *
baby-i-am-faded 4.0.14
dayjs 1.11.13
final-form 4.20.10
graphql-tag 2.12.6
ibm-graphql-query-generator 1.3.0
isomorphic-unfetch 4.0.2
next 14.2.15
next-cookies 2.0.3
next-transpile-modules 10.0.1
nextra 3.0.8
nextra-theme-docs 3.0.8
npm-name 8.0.0
p-debounce 4.0.0
prism-react-renderer 2.4.0
prismjs 1.29.0
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
react-final-form 6.5.9
react-icons 5.3.0
react-keyframes 0.2.3
react-runkit 0.9.0
react-storage-hooks 4.0.1
tmp-promise 3.0.3
use-debounce 10.0.3
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@types/prismjs 1.26.4
@types/react 18.3.11
@types/react-dom 18.3.0
next-transpile-modules 10.0.1
typescript 5.6.3
string-width 4.2.3
strip-ansi 6.0.1
- [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository