Matthew Sitton

Results 106 comments of Matthew Sitton

And technically we could build some kind of virtual package structure as well. but the main limitation with that is you wouldn't be able to properly use the from import...

And actually that last limitation would apply to anything where we are changing the value constantly in the module. So thats not exactly a specific limitation of that code.

but if we provided functions to get those vars you could do the from import on those and it would work fine...

Sounds like a good idea to me.

oops wrong button...

Even if we don't replace the ini files with json files.We definitely need to re think how the configuration entries are defined and retrieved.

Yeah, career mode is not something I typically play on FoFiX (or any rhythm game tbh) so it basically never gets tested. I've never even looked into how career's work......

I really really dislike xml by the way. But if anything i'd rather use a data format here that doesn't require a lot of manual string manipulation on our end...

Well parsing json is easy in python it amounts to doing this: ``` import json jsonDict = json.loads('{"id":10}') ``` Then you just use it like a dictionary... Me and @nhydock...

The main thing with using json for menus and stuff. I couldn't really think of a decent way to implement controller support with it at the time, and then you...