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arg-sample crashing with only 20 taxa and 108,000 sites
Surprised to get the following error with what does not seem like a huge amount of data. Halved the number of samples (and tried separate runs with both halves) and it's running fine...
arg-sample 1.0 start time: Fri Dec 15 18:04:32 2023 command: arg-sample --vcf DesjardinsChr5NRfull.vcf.gz -m 2e-7 -r 2e-9 --vcf-min-qual 30 --region H99_contig5:1-2000000 -o DesjardinsChr5NRfull_2e-7_2e-9_H99_contig5_1-2000000/DesjardinsChr5NR full_H99_contig5_1-2000000 --overwrite random seed: 1702681472 Reading DesjardinsChr5NRfull.vcf.gz H99_contig5:1-2000000 warning: ReadVCF can only handle alleles A,C,G,T,N currently; got allele AT on line 132; skipping this line and other similar ones warning: Reference allele is not length one on line 142 of VCF... skipping this and future similar lines Read 108427 sites from 120701 lines of VCF file (num skipped indels=12035) read input sites from VCF (chrom=H99_contig5, start=0, end=2000000, length=2000000, nseqs=20, nsites=108427) Removed 0 sites overlapping mask (old=104981 , new=104981) 82475 sites are partially masked but otherwise invariant masked 3446 (0.2%) positions /var/spool/slurm/d/job18273789/slurm_script: line 47: 3781250 Aborted (core dumped) arg-sample --vcf $VCFfile -m $mutrate -r $recombrate --vcf-min-qual 30 --region $region -o $outprefix --overwrite