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Open BobBoles opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

Summary Q11. The radio buttons are implemented incorrectly. Separate questions are grouped, so answering the next item on the list toggles the previous answer removing. I quickly gave up on this survey because of this, unable to get past Question 11

Steps To Reproduce (STR) Take the survey. I'm using Chrome Version 86.0.4240.75 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows 10

  1. Visit https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Introduction#JavaScript_and_the_ECMAScript_Specification
  2. Take the survey included in the pop-up footer - titled MDN Web DNA
  3. Q11. The radio buttons don't work suitable to answering the questions

Actual behavior Question 11. The radio buttons are implemented so new answers toggle previous answers off. Making answering each subsequent question impossible

Expected behavior radio buttons for each question would easily allow all answer combinations

Additional context Visual inspection, this looks reasonable, a quick submission of a test answer, still looks reasonable, but if you try putting thought into your answer then you will notice this isn't working

BobBoles avatar Oct 16 '20 10:10 BobBoles

cc @chrisdavidmills

escattone avatar Oct 19 '20 16:10 escattone