content-kit-template copied to clipboard
This is the repo to fork or clone when creating a new MDN Content Kit.
To create a new MDN Content Kit, fork or clone this template.
- Remember that you are creating the kit for the teacher or presenter. Speak to them. Make sure you give them everything they need to be successful.
- Fork or clone this MDN Content Kit Template project.
- Create your README - template below.
- Create your index.html file.
- Put all of your resources into the repo.
Things to include in your repo:
- Readme - see example below
- Version Number or Last Updated Date
- Introduction/Summary
- Key Points - what the presenter's audience will get
- Reference Materials
- Presentation Materials
- Demo Materials
- Presentation materials to include in your MDN Content Kit - These can be in your repo or you can link to them from your readme.
- Slides - in an open, editable format. The more notes, the better.
- Video of the materials being presented. This can be useful either for less experienced meetup groups to use or for presenters to use to learn how to give this presentation.
- Demo materials.
- Demo how to.
- Demo trouble shooting.
- Video or screencast of the demo being given. This is especially important if the presenter is not highly skilled or if the demo has to be given in front of a live audience or offline.
- Exercises for the presenter's audience to practice using the material.
- FAQs. Questions you'd expect the presenter to get and how to answer them.
- Pictures/diagrams.
Include the following in your file:
This is the YourTopicName Content Kit. It contains everything you need to present/teach a one hour presentation on YourTopicName.
To get started, visit This project's index file..
You can get much more detailed instructions on writing a content kit from our Making a new content kit guide.
Final steps:
- Update the list of kits on MDN with a link to your new kit.