Miguel Moura

Results 26 comments of Miguel Moura

The solution I presented works fine with only one problem: ``` config.x.ConstrainTranslatedRoutesByCurrentUICulture = true; ``` This has no effect ... I needed to add: ``` config.AddDefaultRouteConstraint(@"^culture$", new RegexRouteConstraint(@"(?i:^(pt|en)$)")); ``` Could...

Hello, I will upload a localization project with AR to Github during this week. There are still a few issues but it will be open for discussion. Cheers, Miguel

Hello, That is also a problem I have ... To change the culture I need to call another action. In that action It can be tricky to redirect to the...

@marccals: I have a CultureController with an action Modify(String culture). My culture selectors links always point to this action that returns Home/Index. Inside this action I tried to find the...

Hello, Let me explain the configuration I am looking for: A) Have localized routes as 'en/signup' and 'pt/inscrever"; B) A route such as 'en/inscrever" would be invalid. C) An action...

I am having a few more problems. Consider the CultureHandler code I mentioned before: ``` String culture = context.RouteData.Values[_culture].ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(culture)) { culture = "en"; } Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(culture);...

I will create a sample application during next week, ok? I have been trying a few approaches with localization and AR. And I made a list of the problems and...

Hello, I just placed the default MVC web site using AR for localization: https://github.com/shapper/MVCLAR I started with a small initial commit to try to clarify two problems: 1 - When...

Attribute Routing project has been stopped for quite a while since MSFT included Attribute Routing in MVC5 ... Can i suggest using the Attribute Routing of MVC with the new...

Same problem here ... I was using AR in many projects and now I am having problems: 1. Web API does not have RouteArea anymore? [RouteArea("CMS", AreaUrl = "{culture}/CMS"), RoutePrefix("Api/Access")]...