electron-tooltip icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
electron-tooltip copied to clipboard

Free your tooltips from their window bounds

Electron tooltip


This module is intended to be used in Electron applications. It allows for tooltips to flow outside the window bounds they're called from.


npm install --save-dev electron-tooltip


After importing the module, it will search for elements that have the data-tooltip attribute attached. A configuration object can be passed in when calling the tooltip function.

// in the render process..
const tt = require('electron-tooltip')
  // config properties

Position, width and offset options can be overriden on a per element basis by using the data-tooltip-{option} attribute.

<!-- basic example: -->
<a href="http://www.facebook.com" data-tooltip="Go to Facebook" data-tooltip-position="bottom"></a>

Configuration options

option description default values
position Tooltip direction top left, top, right, bottom
width Width of the tooltip. If width is set to auto, the tooltip will not wrap content auto > 0
offset Offset from the element to the tooltip 0 > 0
style Object for overwriting default styles {}
customContent Function that will be called each time the tooltip is shown. Takes two arguments: the element on which it was called, and the current value of data-tooltip. It should return a string which will be used instead of the data-tooltip value undefined
// example
// in the render process..
const tt = require('electron-tooltip')
  position: 'bottom',
  width: 200,
  style: {
    backgroundColor: '#f2f3f4',
    borderRadius: '4px'