Michaël Defferrard

Results 107 comments of Michaël Defferrard

I fixed some issues. What's most concerning now is that Douglas-Rachford seems to have been somewhat broken. Some tests are failing and the optimization in two tutorials (compressed sensing and...

Maybe @reivilo3 could fix that? BTW, we should aim to name parameters meaningfully, i.e., like `step` and unlike `lambda_`and `mu`. I know old code got that wrong, and should be...

Hi @ThomasA. I know it's been a long time, but may I ask what is the status of this PR? (There are some more commits in another branch of yours...

Hi @rodrigo-pena. I know it's been a long time, but may I ask what is the status of this?

We should probably switch to [black](https://github.com/psf/black) before spending time to make `flake8` happy.

> Note that here I do not import numpy but it does not complain: Oh that is weird. Not only doesn't `make lint` complain, but the doctest passes. I also...

I think of them as complementary: black formats the code, and flake8 checks (in CI) that it's ok. Black doesn't make checks right? But I'm all to have black. It'll...

I like the "all or none" recommendation from @minrk. * "pin all" is great for code that supports research papers: you don't want to maintain this code, and you don't...

I don't think so. From a source at the [FR hospital](https://www.h-fr.ch), the COVID-19 fatalities are announced to the Federal Office of Public Health. ([The procedure and notification forms are public.](https://www.bag.admin.ch/infreporting))...

I'm having the same issue (#1606). How could I go about debugging that? (I'm on Android 11.)