Michaël Defferrard
Michaël Defferrard
There's indeed no such file. Sorry the project is still in development and things are fluid. I guess we'll provide all the data in a zenodo archive or something at...
You can find spherical layers (both convolutions and poolings) in [`modules/layers.py`](https://github.com/deepsphere/deepsphere-weather/blob/main/modules/layers.py). They are to be used like standard PyTorch layers (see [`modules/my_models_graph.py`](https://github.com/deepsphere/deepsphere-weather/blob/main/modules/my_models_graph.py)).
Thank you for your interest. @ghiggi could you advise?
**User Story No. 13** Tania is a packager (linux distro, conda-forge, homebrew, containers). What are best practices to build, test, and package numpy? ~Should they bundle OpenBLAS or delegate to...