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VSCode - Code editor
Probably the best code editor out there. It has tons of extensions and is just a joy to work with.
Best theme to have is: https://vscodethemes.com/e/dracula-theme.theme-dracula.
Best font to code with: https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode
Highlight colors in your code: https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode
My VSCode settings (very opinionated you probably shouldn't copy everything ): https://github.com/deamme/gatsby-starter-prismic-resume/blob/master/vscode.json
Enjoy an amazing setup!
@deamme can you please change the title little bit. So, that google can except the slug.
And For sure, I'm gonna try your VSCode Setup.
@mddanishyusuf How should I change it?
Don't forget 🦄 Shades of Purple theme.
Link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ahmadawais.shades-of-purple
@ahmadawais we love to hear your some pro vscode tricks here.
It looks like markdown and links in comments are not rendering. 🤔
where in website?
oops. fixing.
@ahmadawais Thanks for reporting. Now it's fixed.