perfect-scrollbar copied to clipboard
Need some smoothness on mouse wheel notches
Hi there,
First of all thanks for this cool lib! However, I was playing around with the scrollbar and noticed that between each mousewheel notches there is no smooth scroll. I'm getting kind of a jerky scrolling. I didn't see any option for smooth scroll here.
Thanks for your reply.
I also need this scrollbar smooth. Any one have any solution on related this ?
Same here. It's a pity perfect-scrollbar overrides default browser's smooth scroll. It stops us from using the lib, because we have parallax effect on a site and it not looks good with perfect-scrollbar.
I also have this issue
Not so perfect
Try “malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin”:
try scroll-behavior: smooth;
I tried that. It only seems to work on Chrome. On Firefox it does not scroll anymore.
If You read this - do not waste time on this library like me ;) use instead that is actually maintained.
scroll-behavior: smooth;
does not work on macOs with touchpad, it just stuck