Manfred Bergmann

Results 102 comments of Manfred Bergmann

Hallo. Ich habe den Code nicht im Kopf, aber vermutlich sucht die Suche nur im Namen und nicht in der Beschreibung des Moduls. Das ist jetzt nicht falsch. Aber sie...

That's weird. I can't at all reproduce this behavior. Tried with a number of texts. Can you try resizing the window? Maybe they are just swallowed?

Eloquent 2.6 requires macOS 10.10. But I'm not sure that is the reason you don't see the Russian interface. I briefly checked removing the 'English.lproj' from the bundle, then some...

I tried that, it works. at least Eloquent starts. When it doesn't start then I guess it's because Eloquent 2.6 is built for macOS 10.10?

The book names are translated via the locales system of SWORD itself and is unrelated to the UI. I believe that the ru.proj is just outdated where the UI object...

I don't see why not. But I'm, not certain. Try it.

Well, Eloquent comes with SWORD 1.8.1, which is the latest release version of SWORD. The locales are bundled inside a 'locales.d' folder of the ObjCSword.framework inside the 'Frameworks' folder of...

That's weird. I cannot reproduce this. Works as expected. Can you please walk me through in detail what you are doing, which open tabs you have, etc.

You are using the latest release build, or?

Thanks. There is a slightly different behavior between clicking the 'close' button of the tab and using CMD-W key. Where the later seems to leave an artifact where the tab...