Muhammad Danish
Muhammad Danish
Update: Changing the PackageName from `Windows App SDK` to `Windows App Runtime` did not make a difference. > I wonder if is related Reading this, I'm curious if it's...
[Policy] Area-Output
[Policy] Context-System
MSIs by default install in machine scope IIRC. To have them install in user scope, you would have to provide additional InstallerSwitches `ALLUSERS=2 MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1` in the manifest. *Ref: [MSIINTALLPERSUSER Property](*...
This has been fixed in WinGet [v1.5.1081-preview release]( through PR cc @denelon
> For Winget we can publish two packages. Coder.Coder can point to stable Coder.Coder.Mainline can be mainline WinGet doesn't have proper channels support yet, that is work being tracked in...
> > I see that there are multiple issues about `winget list --source ` not filtering the results by ``. All of these issues were closed as duplicates of the...
@jm33-m0 This should be resolved partially in winget-create WinGet-Create will no longer download from same URL twice. But in case of a failure, you would have to run the...
> The InstallerType for is returned as Exe, and at no point am I prompted to confirm whether it is an exe installer or portable exe. @bradenhilton This issue...
> Why can't connect @LIAMROOKIE Please use this new link instead This does not include p4 build because p4 as a platform is no longer supported. You can...